Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Just Stuff

Yes, we know we haven't posted in a longtime. And we know we haven't visited our friends. We are lucky to even still have friends!

We just wanted to let everydog know we are okay.

We did have an incident on Sunday. Mom and Aunt Bec were outside all day weeding the flower beds. That meant we had to guard and bark at things and check the perimeter for hours. We didn't get our usual 8 hour nap. At the end of the day they were collecting everything into the wheelbarrow. Well Maggie had gone into the house but wanted back outside to check on the activity. Sammy was barking and barking at the wheelbarrow. Mom tried to catch him but he kept running to the other side. That ended up getting Maggie over-stimulated and she attacked Jake. Roxie then attacked Maggie. Roxie had Maggie on her back and was holding on to her ear. Mom and Aunt Bec turned the hose onto them but Roxie wouldn't let go. Mom was worried about Maggie so she went into the fight. When she grabbed Roxie's collar and pulled, Maggie was pulled along. Mom decided that was not a good thing so she stopped pulling. She put her hand on either side of Roxie's mouth to break her bite and Maggie saw something she could reach. OUCH!!!! (That was sort of what Mom said.) Mom reached in with the other hand to loosen Maggie's bite and Maggie got the other hand. OUCH!! (That was Mom again.) Mom, the sissy, yanked her hands back and ran to the house leaving poor Aunt Bec with the two dogs. Aunt Bec decided Mom's approach didn't work so she would try something else. She ended up grabbing the collars and twisting Roxie's enough to make her let go of Maggie. Now she had an angry dog by the collar in each hand. Fortunately, they finally settled down. Aunt Bec followed the blood trail to find Mom in the kitchen with her hand stuck in a glass of ice water. After some Hydrogen Peroxide, antibiotic cream, bandages and aspirin Mom started to feel better.

Other than that it has been pretty boring around here.

We always have the best of intentions to post more but they never seem to happen. We aren't even going to promise to do better this time. You will just have to be surprised.


The Army of Four said...

Oh, NO! That's not the kind of update we were hoping to hear!!! Is everypup OK? Is your MOM OK?
PS: We miss you!!!

Mason Dixie said...

Oh no!! Not such a great update. I hope you all are okay.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
You stop blogging and then you come back with news!
I hope hands, ears, necks and everything is ok now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh dear, sorry to hear about the scrap (our girls had one a while back....pretty scary!)
It's good to see you again though :D
Slobbers xx

Duke said...

YIKES! This news is not so good! Is everyone okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Pippa said...

Hey I've had a long break too but at least I didn't go round fighting all the world!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh no.. Hope everyone is ok.
Have a Happy Easter..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

L said...

Oh no! You are supposed to PLAY, not FIGHT! And never never never bite your mom. We hope she is ok.

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG.. That sounded so scary (and I bet it must've been real stressful and traumatic for your mom, Aunt Bec and of course poor Maggie)...
Hope they are all healing ok.. **big hugs**

Peanut said...

we hope everyone is okay. Scary. Mom breaks flash and I up with the vacuum sometimes when we get fleas up our bum (what she says when we fight)

MJ's doghouse said...

well i guess this is the sort of thing that happens when we dont get our well deserved naps...I am sorry your mama got hurt, but i sure dont wanna be around you guy when you dont get your naps.