Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Hello everydog. We know we haven't posted in a while but today is an important day in the USA. It is Memorial Day; a day that has been set aside for everyone who is enjoying the freedoms in America to remember who has preserved these freedoms for us. It doesn't matter if they were man or woman; Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine or Coast Guard; or even if they were in harm's way or not. They were willing to put their futures on the line so we could have a better one. We should celebrate these men and women every day. It's not too much to ask that we at least acknowledge them today.

To all of the families who did not or will not see their son or daughter or father or mother or aunt or uncle here on Earth again, we thank you for your sacrifice. To all of the men and women in uniform, we thank you for your service. Yours is a noble profession and we are humbled in your presence.


The Army of Four said...

Excellent post, pups! We must never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live in freedom and in peace.
Tail wags,

Peanut said...

What a great post.

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute!
Kisses and hugs

L said...

What a nice tribute to all the men and women who serve our country. We hope you had a great holiday.

Suzuki said...

Thats a furry nice tribute :)
Big licks to you

Duke said...

What a nice post!
God bless our soldiers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00fs, Happy gotcha day Andy, git lots of treats and belly rubs and have many many more..

b safe,